Set SMART resolutions








You are Human

It is okay if you mess up, don’t be so hard on yourself. Just make sure you learn from your mistakes. There are going to be set backs along the way, but acknowledge them and move on.


Have a support system

Tell a friend or family member about your resolution and have them hold you accountable. Better yet, find someone who has the same or similar goals as you and strive to achieve them together. Oftentimes we find we can push ourselves beyond what we thought or not cave in to an old habit when we are along side someone else who is watching or going through the same thing. There’s also a lot to be said for having a friend or group sharing your same passion of change and will keep you moving closer and closer to your ultimate goal.


Little steps to change

Breaking a habit or starting a new one is difficult, so start with small changes that will add up to a big change. For example if you are wanting to lose 50 pounds in 2016, it is better to start with small changes in your diet and exercise as opposed to completely changing your lifestyle starting on January 1st 2017. If your diet is not the greatest, start by adding one fruit and vegetable a day and eliminating one processed food. If you plan on starting to exercise, start with just 10 minutes a day and adding a minute every week to your routine. If you are a soda drinker, try cutting out one soda a day and replacing it with water. Making small changes will allow your body to adjust to the new you and you won’t have a feeling of being burnt out.


You should absolutely strive to better yourself by accomplishing goals. However, you shouldn’t force your goals when the time isn’t right. New Year’s might feel like a great time to take a stand, but you’re better served waiting until you’re more fully committed -mentally, physically, and spiritually. Have hope, try new things, see the good, challenge yourself, choose to be happy, and become your best you. Cheers to 2017, I hope this is the best year yet and wishing you lots of success as you make a positive change in your life.



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