MOVIE REVIEW OF ”EVERY LAST ONE OF THEM” Linda Johnson February 23, 2022 Entertainment, Features, Reviews 2 Comments MOVIE REVIEW OF ''EVERY LAST ONE OF THEM" Everything goes sideways for the wicked villains in writer & director Christian Sesma’s gritty but formulaic revenge thriller “Every Last One of Them”...
“THE KING’S MAN” MOVIE REVIEW Linda Johnson January 26, 2022 Entertainment, Features 2 Comments "THE KING'S MAN" MOVIE REVIEW The third time is the charm for British writer & director Matthew Vaughn on his “Kingsman” franchise. In 2014, Vaughn adapted Mark Millar’s 2012 graphic novel...
MOVIE REVIEW OF “ARMY OF ONE” Linda Johnson January 3, 2022 Entertainment, Features MOVIE REVIEW OF "ARMY OF ONE" Sometimes, nothing hits the spot like a disposable, low-budget, B-movie that trots out all the usual tropes. “Bloodlines” director Stephen Durham’s rural crime thriller...
DEVON ALLMAN TALKS ABOUT HIS MUSIC AND LIFE Linda Johnson May 13, 2021 Features, Music 29 Comments DEVON ALLMAN TALKS ABOUT HIS MUSIC AND LIFE Devon Allman can look back on his music career and see he has always tended to have a band that goes for a few years, and then he’s been ready to shake things up...
”VANQUISH” MOVIE REVIEW Linda Johnson April 29, 2021 Entertainment, Features 29 Comments ''VANQUISH" MOVIE REVIEW The best movies regale us with surprises and revelations we never anticipate. The worst duplicate better movies and coast on cliches. Oscar-winning Mississippi actor...
CITIZEN COPE TALKS ABOUT HIS NEW RELEASE Linda Johnson March 1, 2021 Features, Music 35 Comments CITIZEN COPE TALKS ABOUT HIS NEW RELEASE Substance. That is what you’ll find at the heart of the music Citizen Cope creates. It’s what has endeared the man born Clarence Greenwood to a legion of fans...
MOVIE REVIEW OF ”MONSTERS OF MAN” Linda Johnson February 23, 2021 Entertainment, Features MOVIE REVIEW OF ''MONSTERS OF MAN" One of the worst things a movie can do is wear out its welcome. Sadly, Australian filmmaker Mark Toia couldn’t bear to trim 30 minutes off this derivative, two-hour...
Brittany Howard Featured in Episode 2 of the New Tiny Desk Top Shelf Series Linda Johnson July 30, 2020 Entertainment, Features, Music 9 Comments Brittany Howard Featured in Episode 2 of the New Tiny Desk Top Shelf Series NPR’s Tiny Desk concert series has held close to a thousand concerts since its inception in 2008. It’s hosted the likes of...
MOVIE REVIEW OF ”BLOODSHOT” Linda Johnson April 6, 2020 Entertainment, Features 2 Comments MOVIE REVIEW OF ''BLOODSHOT'' Vin Diesel does a good job of playing himself. Basically, he plays himself in everything, except in his voice-over performances for the Disney/Marvel “Guardians of the...
MOVIE REVIEW OF ”DANGER CLOSE” Linda Johnson January 27, 2020 Entertainment, Features 4 Comments MOVIE REVIEW OF ''DANGER CLOSE" During the futile Vietnam War, many other nations fought alongside Uncle Sam. The 2019 movie “Danger Close” (*** OUT OF ****) depicts the contribution that Australia...