PLANET WEEKLY’S 14TH YEAR // UNCONVENTIONAL, AND THAT’S GOOD Ryan Phillips October 6, 2014 Features 8 Comments PLANET WEEKLY'S 14TH YEAR // UNCONVENTIONAL, AND THAT'S GOOD Tuscaloosa should be thankful for its media. The Druid City boasts numerous news outlets that continue to serve the people of West Alabama, but...
TIDE ROLLS PAST REBELS // EXTRA INNING WIN FUELS SWEEP Ryan Phillips April 14, 2014 News & Sports 2 Comments A cold breeze blew in from right field as the SEC pennants flapped violently in the wind above Sewell-Thomas Stadium on the campus of the University of Alabama. Crimson Tide fans attending Saturday’s...
SPRINGTIME AT THE AMP // BRANTLEY GILBERT Ryan Phillips April 14, 2014 Reviews 10 Comments The spring concert season is nearly in full swing, and the Tuscaloosa Amphitheater is gearing up for an exciting month of April to kick off a much-anticipated series of shows. As the spring air warms and the...
SNAKE HANDLER DOUBLE IPA // RELIGIOUS EXPERIENCE IN A CAN Ryan Phillips April 14, 2014 Reviews 15 Comments There is no point in avoiding the cliché: Big things sometimes do come in small packages. Good People Brewing Company, based in Birmingham, Ala., has experimented with craft brews since 2009 and continues...
PAUL DOLAN VINEYARDS // HOLISTIC WINEMAKING Ryan Phillips April 14, 2014 Reviews 12 Comments Picture the scene: a completely holistic winemaking system, based on biological dynamics and sustainability. The circle of life, occurring unobstructed, as something special is gently crafted in its...
RYAN PHILLIPS GOES TO THE ANNISTON STAR // A JOURNALIST ON THE RISE Ryan Phillips April 14, 2014 Reviews 8 Comments If I had a list of expectations coming in to this job, Planet Weekly met them all. Like many before me, I am moving on to a new chapter in my life and will be leaving my position as assistant editor of this...