“THE WALL” // THE LAST GREAT ALBUM OF THE 1970S Linda Johnson January 28, 2014 Entertainment 14 Comments "THE WALL" // THE LAST GREAT ALBUM OF THE 1970S By Keith Lennox Released in the UK in November 1979, and internationally in March of the following year, Pink Floyd’s "The Wall" might be, arguably, not...
SUMMER MUSIC FESTIVAL GUIDE // TIME TO PLAN Linda Johnson January 28, 2014 Entertainment 9 Comments SUMMER MUSIC FESTIVAL GUIDE // TIME TO PLAN By Trey Brooks As I type this, it is about 34 degrees outside. Not exactly what we would call summer weather. Nevertheless, the warming trend has already begun...
SITTING PRETTY HIGH Linda Johnson January 28, 2014 Entertainment 12 Comments SITTING PRETTY HIGH By Jim Reed In the foyer of our ancient home stands a very tall red-and-yellow chair—too high for humans to sit on. This chair is a piece of art created by Liz Reed—lovingly made...