LOSE WEIGHT AND LOWER STRESS// WHY REVITAA PRO? Susan Ryder February 13, 2023 Features, Food, Reviews 6 Comments LOSE WEIGHT AND LOWER STRESS// WHY REVITAA PRO? Everyone comes to a moment in their lives when they realize enough is enough. They desire to make a good change for their bodies, and one of the most prevalent...
BEST VITAMIN D SUPPLEMENTS FOR OVERALL HEALTH Susan Ryder January 26, 2023 Features, Food 2 Comments BEST VITAMIN D SUPPLEMENTS FOR OVERALL HEALTH Not too long ago, Vitamin D emerged as the star of the show when it came to proactive and preventive health care. Seen as the vitamin essential for bone health,...
Best Fudge Recipes Susan Ryder December 13, 2022 Features, Food 9 Comments Best Fudge Recipes I love baking for the holidays. There are always so many new recipes to try. One of my favorite holiday treats is homemade fudge (without nuts, of course). If your family loves fudge as...
WHAT IS TINNITUS Susan Ryder June 22, 2022 Features, Food, Reviews 3 Comments WHAT IS TINNITUS? HOW TO TREAT IT! Tinnitus is when you experience ringing or other noises in one or both of your ears. The noise you hear when you have tinnitus isn't caused by an external sound, and other...
What Are The Benefits of Turmeric Curcumin Susan Ryder April 15, 2021 Features, Food, News & Sports 7 Comments What Are The Benefits of Turmeric Curcumin Turmeric is one of those superfoods that has taken the natural health world by storm. While most people might use this spice to add flavor to curries, health...
Natural Remedies for Joint Pain Rachel Freeman March 19, 2021 Features, Food, News & Sports 3 Comments Natural Remedies for Joint Pain It is estimated that 52.5 million American adults (22.7%) annually are told by their doctor that they have some form of arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, gout, lupus, or...
FOODS TO EAT WHILE UNDERGOING CANCER TREATMENT Susan Ryder October 9, 2020 Features, Food 1 Comment FOODS TO EAT WHILE UNDERGOING CANCER TREATMENT Cancer has personally hit home this past month when one of my dearest friends mom was diagnosed with a very serious form of colon cancer. I was in contact with...
CUPCAKE RED VELVET WINE Jon Rogers October 16, 2019 Features, Food 44 Comments CUPCAKE RED VELVET WINE Cupcake Red Velvet wine was unexpectedly excellent! From Livermore, CA the 2011 Cupcake Red Velvet is a blend of red varietals with a Zinfandel base. Released winter of 2012, it was...
IMPROVING OUR CHILDREN’S HEALTH Rachel Freeman June 19, 2019 Features, Food 27 Comments IMPROVING OUR CHILDREN'S HEALTH Nutrition, education, and food policy affect all of our children. There are so many foods and ingredients that are being put on our grocery store...
Summer Breeze//Connecticut Whites Jon Rogers May 28, 2019 Features, Food, Reviews 5 Comments SUMMER BREEZE // CONNECTICUT WHITES As someone who had the opportunity to help pick grapes for Sharpe Hill Vineyard, I can tell you a lot of care goes into how they make their wine. The Sharpe Hill Vineyard...