AMY MCCARLEY RETURNS TO BAMA THEATRE FOR ACOUSTIC NIGHT Susan Ryder January 21, 2016 Arts, Features, Music 13 Comments AMY MCCARLEY RETURNS TO BAMA THEATRE FOR ACOUSTIC NIGHT Singer-songwriter Amy McCarley will be the featured artist in a performance on Acoustic Night on Feb. 14, 2016 at 7:30 p.m. at the Bama Theatre....
SPECTRE // BEST EVER BOND Van Roberts November 30, 2015 Entertainment, Reviews 4 Comments SPECTRE // BEST EVER BOND Ultimately, despite a variety of problems, this globe-trotting 007 outing boasts enough good stuff to offset the bad. If picturesque settings, robust performances, sumptuous...
COLORLESS TSUKURA TAZAKI… //ENGROSSING AND COMPLEX Camille Corbett October 6, 2014 Entertainment, Reviews 5 Comments COLORLESS TSUKURA TAZAKI… //ENGROSSING AND COMPLEX Haruki Murakami is an author known for building fantastical and jarringly realistic worlds and placing them in the form of a typical bildungsroman. His...