FOLLOWING ONE’S HEART // CAROLINE RUDER Alejandra Tenorio April 4, 2016 Features, News & Sports 1 Comment FOLLOWING ONE'S HEART // CAROLINE RUDER Caroline Ruder found herself strolling the ever so busy Fall 2014 Bryant conference career fair. Like many of her peers, she went with the intention to...
MEET LOOKSY Alejandra Tenorio March 7, 2016 Features, Music, Reviews 8 Comments MEET LOOKSY Daniel Ingram, John Laing, Kyle Posten, and Rob Keating have been playing together in bands long before they became the boys of Looksy. After a successful new album release titled ‘The Guest...
A LOOK INSIDE // THE COUNTESS OF STORYVILLE Alejandra Tenorio February 15, 2016 Arts, Features 6 Comments A LOOK INSIDE // THE COUNTESS OF STORYVILLE On February 16, Marian Gallaway Theatre will open its doors and introduce The Countess of Storyville -- the highly anticipated, University of Alabama Theatre and...
FERGUSON AND THE COPPER DOGS Alejandra Tenorio January 6, 2016 Music 6 Comments FERGUSON AND THE COPPER DOGS Inside Druid City Brewing, Tusca-loosa’s original craft brewery, whose walls are painted bright yellow and decor includes original 90’s gaming systems, musical legend’s...
WHO IS ONE HAND DAN? Alejandra Tenorio December 4, 2015 Features, Music 13 Comments Wearing a slightly discolored, worn out pac-man graphic tee, Dan Russell made his way through the Park at Manderson Landing - Riverwalk with his guitar hanging off his shoulder and amp in hand. With a...
HANGING OUT // LOGAN BOWDEN Alejandra Tenorio November 19, 2015 Features, Music 1 Comment In a town that is deeply immersed in sports, some might not see Tuscaloosa as the place one comes to find and develop their artistic “vein” but for 22-year-old and senior at The University of Alabama,...
THE EVOLUTION OF OUR LAST NIGHT Alejandra Tenorio November 6, 2015 Features, Music 5 Comments As an internationally recognized band, Trevor and Matt are far from arrogant and vain. Over the course of a twenty minute phone interview, the guys sat down to discuss what it’s like being on the road, their...
HANGING OUT WITH THE DOCTORS & THE LAWYERS Alejandra Tenorio October 27, 2015 Features, Music, Reviews 9 Comments HANGING OUT WITH THE DOCTORS & THE LAWYERS With over 1,500 facebook likes, a newly released Album titled “Hear it Again” and a resume that includes both the CukoRakko Music and Arts Festival and...
HANGING OUT // THE BLACKWATER THIEVES Alejandra Tenorio October 26, 2015 Music, Reviews 9 Comments HANGING OUT // THE BLACKWATER THIEVES With over seven passion driven years dedicated to The Blackwater Thieves, band members Chris Pritchett, Keith Dunlap, and Harrison Wallace have no plans to stop any time...