THROWBACK THURSDAY Sometimes you need to sit back and watch some classics. Summer is a dull time for television shows, since new seasons start in fall and come back from a break in the spring. When in...
ROCK SOUND // SEX&DRUGS&ROCK&ROLL Once in a while, a show will come on a network that sets itself apart from others, a more gritty, realistic show that challenges the form. FX is usually the...
MORE CREATORS MOVING TO NETFLIX More and more television networks are taking shows off the air to make room for new ones. Television shows cycle out to allow new ideas and creators to shine. However, not all...
VINTAGE VIBE New shows are always being invented and created for networks. Audiences need to be kept entertained, and that gets increasingly hard with each plot idea, or character that gets created. There are...
HOT DAMN SCANDAL // FLAWED PERFECTION Last week on Pearl Street in downtown Boulder, Colorado, I stumbled onto something beautiful. Four scruffy guys stood playing folk music on the sidewalk, crowded around a...
FACE OFF // SYFY ORIGINAL Competition shows are huge on television. Fan may get to interact with the competition, or just sit back and root for their favorite choices each season, waiting to see who will...
Tales From the Crypt It is rare now to hear of someone watching something from the 80’s and 90’s that isn’t a cult classic movie. The outfits are dated, and the lines tend to be cheesy and only used...
Summer Screen//Kick the television craving Summer is a lull for television; Most shows premiere in fall and end in spring, which leaves summer to catch up on seasons and episodes that you missed. However,...
ZOMBIES FOR A NEW GENERATION As far as television and movies are concerned, the living dead is the new fad. Zombies are everywhere, from horror movies to video games. After the huge success of The Walking...
"UNBREAKABLE KIMMY SCHMIDT" // A HIT Imagine living in a bomb shelter with three other women and a deranged person for for fifteen years of your life, knowing nothing else but what you remember from before...