Natural Remedies for Joint Pain Rachel Freeman March 19, 2021 Features, Food, News & Sports 3 Comments Natural Remedies for Joint Pain It is estimated that 52.5 million American adults (22.7%) annually are told by their doctor that they have some form of arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, gout, lupus, or...
IMPROVING OUR CHILDREN’S HEALTH Rachel Freeman June 19, 2019 Features, Food 27 Comments IMPROVING OUR CHILDREN'S HEALTH Nutrition, education, and food policy affect all of our children. There are so many foods and ingredients that are being put on our grocery store...
THE NATURAL ALLERGY COMBAT PLAN Rachel Freeman April 26, 2019 Features, News & Sports 42 Comments THE NATURAL ALLERGY COMBAT PLAN If you live in Alabama, it’s no surprise that our state ranks as one of the worst states for allergy sufferers. Whether your poison is ragweed or just plain old pollen, your...
Healthy Fats Believe It or Not Rachel Freeman April 17, 2019 Features, Food 9 Comments Healthy Fats Believe It or Not Are you afraid of fats? Most people are due to the recent hype of low fat advertising on food labels and packaging that has people looking for other things when getting food....
BODY CLEANSING // MY 21 DAY DETOX EXPERIENCE Rachel Freeman February 12, 2019 Features, Food 10 Comments BODY CLEANSING // MY 21 DAY DETOX EXPERIENCE Most people have heard of body cleansing, but not many have actually tried it. There are all kinds of programs out there that usually include some of the...
Eating Your Way To Lower Chorlesterol Rachel Freeman July 18, 2017 News & Sports 1 Comment Eating Your Way To Lower Chorlesterol There is a lot of talk about high cholesterol levels but what we need to remember is that our body needs cholesterol to function. Cholesterol is the building block for...
Beating The Heat In Alabama Rachel Freeman July 18, 2017 News & Sports 10 Comments Beating The Heat In Alabama Summer is in full swing here in Tuscaloosa Alabama! Temperatures during the day are already in the mid-eighties and will only continue to rise for the next couple months....
DIAGNOSIS // TEXT NECK Rachel Freeman July 5, 2017 News & Sports 5 Comments DIAGNOSIS // TEXT NECK “Text Neck”, definitely a condition coined in the past decade among health care professionals when describing the symptoms of their patients. With the advancement of...
Beating The Heat In Alabama Rachel Freeman June 23, 2017 News & Sports 41 Comments Beating The Heat In Alabama Summer is in full swing here in Tuscaloosa Alabama! Temperatures during the day are already in the mid-eighties and will only continue to rise for the next couple months....
Beating the Alabama Heat// Dr. Rachel Steiner Rachel Freeman June 5, 2017 News & Sports 9 Comments Beating the Alabama Heat// Dr. Rachel Steiner Summer is in full swing here in Tuscaloosa Alabama! Temperatures during the day are already in the mid-eighties and will only continue to rise for the next...