Healthy Baking:The Gluten-Free Way Rachel Freeman July 6, 2016 Food, Reviews 34 Comments Healthy Baking:The Gluten-Free Way In the past if you needed to bake a gluten free recipe you had to make your own baking mix. This took a lot of trial and error and often resulted in...
Diagnosis: Text Neck Rachel Freeman May 16, 2016 News & Sports 2 Comments Diagnosis: Text Neck Text Neck, definitely a condition coined in the past decade among health care professionals when describing the symptoms of their patients. With the advancement of...
CROHNs DISEASE NUTRITION Rachel Freeman April 4, 2016 News & Sports 36 Comments CROHNs DISEASE NUTRITION In definition, Crohns disease is a bowel disease that causes inflammation of the lining of the digestive track, which leads to severe abdominal pain, diarrhea, fatigue,...
THE PALEO DIET: REAL DEAL OR JUST A FAD? Rachel Freeman March 7, 2016 Features, Food 10 Comments THE PALEO DIET: REAL DEAL OR JUST A FAD? When I hear the word “diet”, I usually cringe. Diet by Webster definition is “a special course of food to which one restricts oneself, usually for medical...
PREGANCY AND CHIROPRACTIC CARE Rachel Freeman February 24, 2016 News & Sports 1 Comment PREGANCY AND CHIROPRACTIC CARE Love must be in the air, as expected around Valentine’s Day! In the past couple weeks; I have had more pregnant patients than the whole 2015-year combined. Personally, there...
LEMON WATER: WHAT’S ALL THE HYPE ABOUT? Rachel Freeman February 10, 2016 Food 6 Comments LEMON WATER: WHAT'S ALL THE HYPE ABOUT? Infusing water with lemon or simply adding it to a beverage has become very popular thing to do and a trending topic of discussion. If you order water a restaurant...
EMPTY CALORIES Rachel Freeman January 21, 2016 Food, Reviews 10 Comments EMPTY CALORIES Many of the foods and more commonly the beverages we consume contain empty calories. Empty calories are solid fats and/or added sugars that contain high amounts of calories but have very few...
QUICK TIPS TO PURCHASING VITAMINS Rachel Freeman November 30, 2015 Features, Food 10 Comments QUICK TIPS TO PURCHASING VITAMINS From a recent survey, it is reported that 63% of Americans take some kind of daily vitamin or supplement. When asked why they started taking them, most responded that they...
EATING YOUR WAY TO LOWER CHOLESTEROL Rachel Freeman October 14, 2015 Food, Reviews 4 Comments EATING YOUR WAY TO LOWER CHOLESTEROL There is a lot of talk about high cholesterol levels but what we need to remember is that our body needs cholesterol to function. Cholesterol is the building block for our...
HEART HEALTH // GET THE FACTS Rachel Freeman July 13, 2015 News & Sports 18 Comments HEART HEALTH // GET THE FACTS It will probably take you roughly 5 minutes to read this article about heart health. In this 5-minute span of time roughly 9 people will have a heart attack and 5 people die of a...