Movie Review: “The Sound of Freedom” Herb Neu August 15, 2023 Features, Reviews Movie Review: "The Sound of Freedom" "A Journey of Redemption and Resilience: 'The Sound of Freedom' Unveils the Harrowing Realities of Human Trafficking Through a Spiritual Lens" "The Sound of Freedom" is a...
GLASS ONION: A KNIVES OUT MYSTERY REVIEW Alan Sculley March 6, 2023 Entertainment, Features, Reviews 3 Comments GLASS ONION: A KNIVES OUT MYSTERY REVIEW There's something that makes me feel a little like I’m chewing sour grapes when I sit down to pick apart a movie that ultimately exists just to wildly entertain...
MOVIE REVIEW OF WOMEN TALKING Alan Sculley March 6, 2023 Entertainment, Features, Reviews MOVIE REVIEW OF WOMEN TALKING I went to the theater recently to watch "Knock at the Cabin” with the full intention of reviewing it. After the film ended, the timing worked out perfectly for me to pop into...
LOSE WEIGHT AND LOWER STRESS// WHY REVITAA PRO? Susan Ryder February 13, 2023 Features, Food, Reviews 6 Comments LOSE WEIGHT AND LOWER STRESS// WHY REVITAA PRO? Everyone comes to a moment in their lives when they realize enough is enough. They desire to make a good change for their bodies, and one of the most prevalent...
Music Lover’s Holiday Gift Guide//Best Box Sets Alan Sculley December 12, 2022 Features, Music, Reviews 31 Comments Music Lover's Holiday Gift Guide//Best Box Sets This year has seen its share of landmark box sets, along with a number of excellent reissues. That means there are some great gift options for music fans on...
MOVIE REVIEW OF THE BLACKOUT Van Roberts October 31, 2022 Entertainment, Features, Reviews MOVIE REVIEW OF THE BLACKOUT Nothing about the Netflix thriller “Blackout” (*** out of ****) from its generic title to its amnesiac hero who dodges trigger-happy hordes of gunmen after him is remotely...
CHICAGO’S ROBERT LAMM, TALKS ABOUT THEIR NEW TOUR Alan Sculley October 13, 2022 Entertainment, Music, Reviews CHICAGO'S ROBERT LAMM, TALKS ABOUT THEIR NEW TOUR When the great COVID-19 lockdown slammed the brakes on the entire live music industry, like every other touring act, the members of Chicago were...
MOVIE REVIEW OF ”BOON” Van Roberts June 27, 2022 Entertainment, Features, Reviews 3 Comments MOVIE REVIEW OF ''BOON" Sometimes, disposable B-movies can be refreshing. You rent them on impulse with low expectations. Typically, if the first 30 minutes don’t drum up enough drama, you search...
WHAT IS TINNITUS Susan Ryder June 22, 2022 Features, Food, Reviews 3 Comments WHAT IS TINNITUS? HOW TO TREAT IT! Tinnitus is when you experience ringing or other noises in one or both of your ears. The noise you hear when you have tinnitus isn't caused by an external sound, and other...
“THE BATMAN” MOVIE REVIEW Van Roberts March 29, 2022 Entertainment, Features, Reviews 2 Comments "THE BATMAN" MOVIE REVIEW Prepare yourself for a different kind of Caped Crusader in “The Batman” (**** OUT OF ****) as a ripped Robert Pattinson dons the cape and cowl. A grave looking Bruce Wayne...