THE GREAT PEACOCK PERFORMS LIVE AT DRUID CITY BREWING COMPANY Judah Martin February 24, 2016 Concerts, Music 10 Comments THE GREAT PEACOCK PERFORMS LIVE AT DRUID CITY BREWING COMPANY The Great Peacock will perform at Druid City Brewing Company on Thursday, February 25 at 8 p.m. Originally from Nashville, Tennessee, the band...
THE NAKED TRUTH // AN ARTIST EXPLAINS HIS CRAFT Judah Martin August 18, 2015 Arts 7 Comments THE NAKED TRUTH // AN ARTIST EXPLAINS HIS CRAFT Alexandria Ogden could not help but to be a little put off by Fabian Simpson’s artwork when she finally saw his portfolio. Ogden, 22, had never seen so many...
RAPPING THE BLUES// DOCUMENTING SOUTHERN EXPERIENCES THROUGH HIP-HOP Judah Martin August 3, 2015 Reviews 10 Comments Daraius Guthridge has never been one to distract himself with dreams of fancy cars and lots of money. Sure, it would be nice to make it big someday, maybe land a big record deal and make some real money,...
FEEDING THE MASSES // SUMMER FOOD SERVICE PROGRAM AIMS FOR LARGER IMPACT Judah Martin July 21, 2015 Features, News & Sports 3 Comments FEEDING THE MASSES // SUMMER FOOD SERVICE PROGRAM AIMS FOR LARGER IMPACT Sometimes Demetria Li just doesn’t feel like cooking. That is not to say that she does not like to cook. Quite the contrary,...
GREENER ON THE OTHER SIDE // AN IMMIGRANT’S TALE Judah Martin June 5, 2015 Features 9 Comments GREENER ON THE OTHER SIDE // AN IMMIGRANT’S TALE Metal forks clinked against plates and children screamed for attention, but Nancy Cruz handled them expertly, holding the phone to her ear with one hand and...
THE MELODY GIRL // MUSIC RUNS IN HER FAMILY Judah Martin December 4, 2014 Music, Reviews 17 Comments THE MELODY GIRL // MUSIC RUNS IN HER FAMILY As the granddaughter of a country music legend, Raelyn Nelson certainly did not have to look far for inspiration in her journey to become a musician. When she...
SELECTIVE MEMORY // FRIENDSHIP HOUSE Judah Martin October 20, 2014 Features 5 Comments SELECTIVE MEMORY // FRIENDSHIP HOUSE Usually, Joan McCoy can hardly make it through a sentence without cracking up. Her shoulders get to shaking, her legs buckle or her back all but gives out so that she...
THE MAN OF THE EVENING // UP CLOSE WITH THE BLUZE CREW Judah Martin September 23, 2014 Reviews 8 Comments By Judah Martin Dressed in a black t-shirt and loose white linen pants, Michael Brannon made his way across the veranda of the Firemen’s Lodge in Northport, shaking hands, patting people on the back and...
WHERE THERE’S NO SMOKE… // VAPE COMES TO TUSCALOOSA Judah Martin September 4, 2014 News & Sports 37 Comments WHERE THERE'S NO SMOKE... // VAPE COMES TO TUSCALOOSA On McFarland Boulevard East in Northport, Nu Way Vape and a discount tobacco store are positioned side-by-side like a fork in the road, taunting smokers...
A NEW TREND // LOCAL HOUSE SHOWS OFFER OUTLET FOR UNDERGROUND ARTISTS Judah Martin August 26, 2014 Reviews 6 Comments By Judah Martin F. Scott Fitzgerald once said that "too much champagne is just right." And if you ignore the key role excessive boozing had in Fitzgerald’s early death, it may start to seem as if he...